Sunday 15 September 2013

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Goodness me its been too long since I last posted. Many apologies for that!

Well, over the last week or so I have had the chance to meet so many great people from all walks of life across the world. It's been a fantastic time...

I've started training with the Centaurs and I have signed up to play for the year! Aching rather a lot from it, the intense training has been epic.

I'm in lessons at the moment, though it seems like I'm not in every day.

There have been many great people to meet and I already have some great friends. The centaurs in particular have been great to be around.

I shall be sure to update you more soon!

Best wishes!

Mike :)

Sunday 8 September 2013

Lessons start tomorrow

Hi everyone!

Well my shortened week of settling in has come to an end for me - for tomorrow I go next door to IUT2 to register and start my lessons - very exciting stuff!

Also going on tomorrow is a town visit at 11am for those of you who are interested, I have lessons so I don't think I will be able to make it.  

And then of course, in the evening I have my second training session with the Centaurs.  The first session was really good, very intense.  Hopefully I won't be aching as much this time!

Well, I best get going.  Looks like I've got a fair bit to sort out for tomorrow.  And, naturally in the mean time, I can watch a bit of the NFL on TV this evening too!

Best wishes,

Mike :)

Thursday 5 September 2013

The first few days...

Hello everyone!

Well I've had a cracking few days in the home of the Alps and now it's nearly time to get down to business....

Last night I got the chance to meet some Erasmus students - went to a local bar for a beer and a chat about everything.  They are really nice people, look forward to seeing them again.
Today I have the odd thing to sort out and get on with and then of course tonight is my first session with the Grenoble Centaurs - that should be a fantastic experience.

I hopefully will get to run a mailbag or something over the next few days.  In the mean time, I shall keep busy and on the lookout for anything useful!

Best wishes to you all,

Mike :)

Monday 2 September 2013

Moving in tomorrow!

Well this isn't too bad, isn't it?

Tomorrow I head off to Grenoble and to move in and get to know people - should be very exciting!

Over the last few days I've mainly spent my time with my family in the surrounding Isere region, taking in the countryside and brushing up on my French skills.  I've had a really nice time and managed to get some nice photos of the area too.  Thankfully I've been able to get some practice in when it comes to my language skills - it's been nice to try and converse with people (even if they realise I'm English and start speaking my native language as a result...)

I dropped into Grenoble today for a look around - the town looks very nice and the centre is very picturesque!  Rather hot too, though I guess that'll fade quickly.  Probably just as well that I've packed the shorts and T shirts for the remainder of the summer then - something slightly thicker for the winter months.

Quite a lot to think about when I get there - unpacking, finding out what is included and what isn't, how to get the Internet connection sorted, how to get my Moneo money card arranged for meals in the local restaurants... you name it really!  Hopefully there'll be a chance to meet some people who live there near me.
Arsonval has only around 50 rooms or so so I haven't been able to find anybody who lives in the same block.  (Fortunately I guess that means there won't be much of a fight for parking spaces outside!)

I should be about mid-morning/early afternoon, definitely looking forward to meeting everyone!

See you all tomorrow!

Mike :)